ハビタット活動報告会 2009年

2009年1月20日(火)、主に海外を舞台に活動しているAPUのボランティアサークル4団体(愛の波、Sun Piccolo Project、ハビダットAPU、PRENGO)が合同で2008年度の活動報告会を行いました。



「Sun Piccolo Project」は東南アジアにおける児童買春撲滅を目指して活動しています。2008年夏にはカンボジアの児童保護施設(ケアセンター)を訪問し、子供たちにエイズ教育を行いました。代表のヒル・レイチェル・恵さん(APS2、日本)は「私たちの話が現地の子供たちにうまく伝わったかどうかはわからないが、『ありがとう』と言ってくれたことが印象に残っている。これからもエイズ教育を続けていきたい」と話しました。

ハビタットAPU」は国際NGO団体である「Habitat for Humanity International」の九州地区唯一の学生支部です。「誰もがきちんとした場所で暮らせる世界」を目標に掲げ、2008年度はタイで家の建設補助や、九州各地で募金・啓蒙活動を行いました。


Sun Piccolo Project:http://www.apu.ac.jp/circle/sunpro/
取材担当:古池 祐樹(APS1、日本)

On Tuesday, January 20, 2009, four APU Volunteer Circles predominately active on the overseas stage (Ai no Nami, Sun Piccolo Project, Habitat APU and PRENGO) jointly gave their AY2008 Activities Report Meeting.
By jointly holding the report meeting, they aim to introduce their activities to different students. A representative of each of the 4 groups gave a presentation of their activities in AY 2008 and of their future plans.

"Ai no Nami" was established in 2004 to help those affected by the Sumatra Earthquake. This year they presented to people affected by the Myanmar Cyclone a message flag hand printed by APU students with messages of encouragement written in the various mother tongues for spiritual support.

"Sun Piccolo Project" is in engaged in activities aiming towards the eradication of child prostitution in South-East Asia. In the summer of AY2008, they visited a child care centre in Cambodia and carried out AIDS education for the children there. Speaking as representative of group, HILL Rachel Megumi (APS2, Japan¡Ësaid, "I'm not sure if our message got through to the children or not but I will always remember that they said 'thank you'. I want to carry on our AIDS education activities in the future".

HABITAT APU is the only student branch of international NPO Habitat for Humanity International in Kyushu. Their mission aim is that "every one in the world can have somewhere descent to live". In AY2008 they assisted in the construction of houses in Thailand and carried out donations appeals and awareness campaigns in different places around Kyushu.

PRENGO is involved twice a year in economic aid activities in Rayong Province, in the Kingdom of Thailand aiming to improve economic, public sanitation and human resource development. Publicity Director MURAYOSHI Yutaro (APM2, JAPAN) spoke of how he hopes to use PRENGO as a practical outlet for his studies at APU, "just having knowledge is meaningless. It has meaning when you apply it. I want to continue to apply the knowledge I gained at APU in the future".

This report meeting proved to be a great opportunity to find out what the 4 groups have been up to. All of the groups will continue their aid activities each aiming towards their different goals.
Ai no Nami: http://ameblo.jp/ainonami2005/
Sun Piccolo Project: http://www.apu.ac.jp/circle/sunpro/
Habitat APU: http://habitatapu.web.fc2.com/
PRENGO: http://www.apu.ac.jp/circle/prengo/APU