センチョーのちゃりんこプレゼン 2008年

知りたい・伝えたい ~この『瞬間』を~


Habitat APU「ちゃりんこプレゼン」実施:APUホームページより

APUボランティアサークル・Habitat APUのメンバー15名は、9月19日~28日までの11日間、北部九州3県(熊本県、福岡県、大分県)を自転車で移動しながら、街頭募金活動や高校でのプレゼンテーション活動を行う「ちゃりんこプレゼン」を実施しています。

「ちゃりんこプレゼン」はHabitat APUにとって初めての試みであり、ハビタットの活動や世界の貧困に対して多くの方に知ってもらうことを目的として企画されました。


そして大宰府市から福岡市、北九州市と移動しながら、街頭募金活動や高校でのプレゼンテーションを行っていきます。この活動によって集められた募金は、活動母体であるHabitat For Humanity Internationalへ寄付され、住居建築資金の一部として活用されます。

この「ちゃりんこプレゼン」企画の代表を務める靏 雄亮さん(APS2 日本)(TSURU YUSUKE)は出発に先立ち、今回の企画の抱負を次のように語りました。「世界には「ただいま」と言える家のない人達がたくさんいるという現状と、我々ハビタットの活動内容を一人でも多くの方に知っていただくため、一瞬一瞬の人との出会いを大切に活動していきたいです。」

Habitat APUは、2006年にHabitat For Humanity Internationalの学生支部として設立され、現在部員数40名。これまでにフィリピンやタイでの建築ボランティア活動や、学内での報告会、写真展などの活動を行っています。

Link to the Habitat APU web-site: http://habitatapu.web.fc2.com/

9月21日(日)11:00~18:00 福岡市  天神岩田屋
9月22日(月)10:00~12:00 福岡市  天神岩田屋
9月25日(木)10:00~16:00 北九州市 JR黒崎駅
9月26日(金)10:00~17:00 北九州市 JR小倉駅

Habitat For Humanity International

The APU voulteer ciricle Habitat APU's 15 members have traveled through three North Kyushu Prefectures (Kumamoto, Fukuoka and Oita Prefecture) by bicycle for the 11 days from the 19th till the 28th of September. While traveling around, they have been putting into effect their "Charinko Purezen" (Bicycle charity event), collecting street donations and giving presentations at high schools.

"Charinko Purezen" is the first attempt for Habitat AOU to inform many people about the poverty problems around the world, which is their aim and is what "Charinko Purezen" was planned for.
The group held a street appeal for donations in Kumamoto City and gave a presentation at a local high school. Then on the next day, they headed for the first destination – Dazaifu City.
On their travels from Dazaifu City to Fukuoka City and Kitakyushu City they held street appeals and gave presentations at high schools. The money raised will be donated to their mother organization – Habitat For Humanity International and will be used to fund housing projects.

Before he departed, TSURU Yusuke (APS2 Japan), who represents the "Charinko Purezen" plan spoke of his aspirations for the plan "There are people in the world who have no where to call home. We are endeavoring to let even just one more person know about this situation and about the activities of Habitat by making every encounter with people count".

Habitat APU was set up in 2006 as a student branch of Habitat For Humanity International and currently has 40 members. To date, they have participated in construction projects in the Philippines and Thailand and have held public sessions and photo exhibitions on campus.
Link to the Habitat APU web-site: http://habitatapu.web.fc2.com/

Further planned donation street appeals
Sept 21 (Sun) 11:00-18:00 Fukuoka City Nishitetsu Fukuoka Station
Sept 22 (Mon) 10:00-12:00 Fukuoka City Nishitetsu Fukuoka Station
Sept 25 (Tues) 10:00-16:00 Kitakyushu City JR Kurosaki Station
Sept 26 (Fri) 10:00-17:00 Kitakyushu City JR Kokura Station

Habitat For Humanity International
Habitat For Humanity International was set up in 1976 under the philosophy of creating "A world where everyone has a decent place to live" with the aim of ridding the world of slums and homeless people. To date, they have constructed 200,000 houses and supported over 1,000,000 people.
Link to the Habitat For Humanity International web-site: http://www.habitat.org/ap/(English)

Link to the Habitat for Humanity Japan