プレゼン達成 2008年

2008-10-15 APUホームページより



一行は熊本市、福岡市、北九州市と移動しながら、街頭募金活動や高校でのプレゼンテーションを行ってきました。今回の募金活動ではたくさんの方にご賛同いただき、募金総額は約23万円にのぼりました。集められた募金は、活動母体であるHabitat For Humanity Internationalへ寄付され、住居建築資金の一部として活用される他、今後の活動の資金の一部として活用されます。

 今回の企画を振り返って、ちゃりんこプレゼン代表の靏 雄亮さん(APS2、日本)は「自転車で走行中は悪天候のため転倒するメンバーもいましたが、全員で走破することができました。募金中は、私たちが配ったパンフレットを読み、わざわざ戻ってきて募金してくださった方や、APUの保護者の方から募金および激励していただいたりと、人とのつながりを実感する経験をすることができました。また、今回の活動を通して、改めて家の大切さを実感することもできました。」と達成の喜びを話してくれました。

The Habitat APU version of "Charinko Purezen" accomplished:

 On Sunday September 28, 2008, members of the APU volunteer circle Habitat APU arrived at their goal destination of Matogahama Spa Beach, Beppu City, after 10 days of cycling around 3 prefectures (Kumamoto, Fukuoka and Oita) giving presentations at high schools and raising money for educational instruction in various regions.

 All of the members reached their goal safely at 2pm despite the bad drizzly weather. 10 members of Habitat APU made banners and were glad to see them arrive at their goal destination Matogahama Spa Beach.

 The "Charinko Purezen" (Bicycle charity event), which was a first test run for Habitat APU, was planned with the aim to inform people about the activities of Habitat and about global poverty. The group held street appeals and gave presentations at high schools while moving through Kumamoto City, Fukuoka City and Kitakyushu City. These charity events received the endorsement of many people and they raised a total of 230,000yen. The money collected will be donated to Habitat For Humanity International, their parent organization, and will be put to use as part of the funds for housing construction and to fund future activities.

 Looking back on the plan, representative of Charinko Purezen TSURU Yusuke (APS2, Japan) spoke of his happiness at their achievement "There were some members who fell off their bikes due to the bad weather but all of the members made it. During our fundraising there were people who after reading the pamphlets we handed out, came back to give a donation. We also received donations and encouragement from APU parents and guardians. Through this I was able to feel the links between people. Also, through this challenge, I once more realized a house's importance".